Friday, February 12, 2016

Gas May Be Close To $1

An article by USA Today titled, "Don't look now:  $1 gas may be close" wrote:

Gasoline prices may soon dip below $1 per gallon at some stations in the Midwest, putting the price of unleaded fuel in the same category as a pack of gum or a bag of pretzels from the vending machine.

Funny Time News has this funny thing to say:  "Gasoline prices may soon dip below $1 per gallon at some stations in the Midwest, putting the price of unleaded fuel in the same category as the tip for the squeegee guy."

The headline could read in a little bit, "Don't look now:  50 cent gas may be close."

Keep your fingers crossed that the gas prices continue to go down and not up, unless your an owner of a gas station.

The full article link is on USA Today

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